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Spiritual Defender: Blog List

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Uncloaking the Deception | Revelation Truth

Uncloaking the Deception | Revelation Truth

1 comment:

  1. March 7, 2012 by Rev. Daniel Blair | 0 comments


    Before uncloaking the deception we need to know just how powerful it will become. It is so powerful that everyone on the planet that has not loved the truth so as to be saved will be deceived. It is said that it’s so powerful that if possible even the elect would be led astray. Now that’s powerful. It is written that God will add to this deception by sending a powerful delusion to all those who have refused to love the truth so that they will believe the lie. So to uncloak the deception we must love the truth. The truth has always been there and clearly delineated in His Word, but in these last days it’s lost to all those who have pushed God out of the way. The more He is taken out of the way in both public and private spheres the easier it becomes to believe the lie. Have you not noticed there is a new insurgence growing in the hotbed of civil unrest in America? This is a movement to overthrow God, to evict him from the school room, to remove Him from the text books as the Creator, to remove prayer and His commandments from the classroom, to remove the nativity scene from public places, to remove Christ from Christmas by simply referring to it as the holiday season. And the list goes on, but slowly, step by step God is being taken out of the way so that the man of lawlessness can come on the scene showing humanity how they can obtain all their dreams and aspirations apart from God.


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