Lloyd’s Register apologises for its role in trafficking enslaved people
from Africa
The maritime group, founded in 1760 by merchants and underwriters, issued
the apology after commissioning research into its links to slavery
Lloyd’s Regi...
1 hour ago
YES DO Let's PLAY PRAY ; ...MORE or less as in MUCH less Myths plus Mystery will obliviously MAKE more sense FundaMentally as to A PERFECT Fit into The HOLE, REALISTICALLY ! The Ways plus the means of getting a HAHICAP indeed is the BEST wellbeing in wellness like ONENESS within uniqueness of SYSTEMS, Technically plus all the GADGETS ABSOLUTELY ! HEALTH is wealth Meta Physically as in PERECTLY Fit Physically, Financially, Mentally in BEING Much Less Corrupted as ONE Systematically Plays ''plus'' SPIRITUALLY Jus as WELL !!!