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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Relics of 'John the Baptist' dated to 1st century - www's column on Newsvine

Relics of 'John the Baptist' dated to 1st century - www's column on Newsvine

1 comment:

  1. Oxford professor Thomas Higham, whose lab subjected the bone fragments to radiocarbon dating and DNA sequencing, said he was skeptical at first.

    "We didn't expect results that would be consistent with the expected — or hoped for — results of our Bulgarian colleagues," he said in a telephone interview. But he promised that the find, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, would stand up to scrutiny.

    "We're very confident about the genetics," he said.

    According to Christian tradition, John the Baptist foresaw the coming of Jesus and baptized him in the River Jordan. The ascetic desert-wandering prophet was later imprisoned and beheaded after criticizing the ruler of Galilee, Herod Anitpas.


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